Patient Information

Patient guide: Cetraxal® (ciprofloxacin) and
Cetraxal Plus® (ciprofloxacin + fluocinolone)

Intended for patients who have been prescribed either Cetraxal or Cetraxal Plus.

Acute Otitis Externa (AOE)

What is AOE?
• AOE is a common condition which affects up to 10% of the population at some point in their lives1.
• In most cases, it is caused by a bacterial infection.
• Risk factors include a foreign body (eg. hearing aid), swimming and if you have eczema, psoriasis, or narrow ear canals.

What are the symptoms?
The infection causes inflammation within the ear which results in:
• Pain
• A feeling of pressure or ‘fullness’
• Itching
• Sometimes temporary hearing loss and discharge from the affected ear

Treatment of AOE

As AOE is often caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotic eardrops are commonly used as treatment.
You have been prescribed an antibiotic called ciprofloxacin in the form of Cetraxal or Cetraxal Plus. Please note this guide covers both medicines.

Cetraxal only contains antibiotic and is used for uncomplicated cases of AOE. The antibiotic kills the bacteria which cause the infection².

Cetraxal Plus contains a steroid called fluocinolone as well as the antibiotic, so is usually used in cases of more symptomatic AOE with swelling or if your eardrum is, or might be, perforated. The steroid has anti-inflammatory and anti-itch properties³.

About Cetraxal/Cetraxal Plus

Cetraxal eardrops are very simple to use. Each dose is presented individually in a container known as an ampoule. The use of these ampoules enables:

Administration: the ampoule sits on the edge of the ear canal and the drops are guided directly into the ear. They can be administered by yourself.

Dosing: each ampoule contains a single dose; so you know exactly how much to administer and cannot use too much or too little by mistake. This means there is less worry in administering in young children.

Treatment: the solution is preservative-free and contains no known sensitising agents (which can make AOE worse).

Each ampoule is discarded after use.

How to use Cetraxal/Cetraxal Plus*

After washing your hands, gently clean any discharge from the outer ear.

Lie with the affected ear facing up and empty the contents of the ampoule into the ear.

Warm one ampoule in your hands for 1-2 mins.

Gently pull on the earlobe in an upwards and outwards motion.

Twist off the cap of the warmed ampoule.

Wait for the specified time before raising your head:
Cetraxal: up to 5 minutes
Cetraxal Plus: approx. 1 minute

Repeat all steps for the other ear, if necessary.

* ampoules larger for illustrative purposes only, not actual size

Please note, the guidance above should be read in conjunction with the patient information leaflet that accompanies the medication. Please consult your GP or pharmacist if you have any questions or are unsure of how to use Cetraxal/Cetraxal Plus.

If you click the link below to access the patient information leaflet, you will leave the Cetraxal website and will be re-directed to an external site; Aspire Pharma is not responsible for the content on external websites.

The link below will take you to the electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC) website.